Are All Condoms & Lubes Suitable For Vegans?
Condoms are one of the best forms of protection, but are all brands suitable for vegans?
Condoms are one of the best forms of protection, but are all brands suitable for vegans? This Valentine's Day special blog is to showcase some industry statistics, companies going the extra mile such as the production of condoms without animal products or by-products.
Blog Inspiration
This post was inspired by Sustainably Vegan, who produced this the video below, which might be age restricted in your region. Inspiration also originates from the blogs of the Yes Yes Yes company, Hanx and Gittemary.
Personally, I think it is important that every person has the choice to purchase goods that align with our lifestyle and values. This choice should remain true with condoms, lube, and other sexual items. Fortunately, there are plenty of brands producing affordable condoms with average at $1 and $0.58 globally according to BedBibe. However, not all condoms are made equally, you may be unaware that some condoms are not vegan certified. Fortunately, companies are emerging in the $8.86 billion (2023) and $9.36 billion (2024) market to offer condoms which are vegan and free from dyes and other chemicals. This blog is to showcase some brands leading the way with sustainability and ethics.
It is essential to note that no one should never feel bad or 'too wasteful' about being safe and protecting yourself, this is the case for medicine, and it is also the case here, even if it creates rubbish.
I have found four brands available in the UK which are going above and beyond the average company. For readers outside the UK, Mind Body Green's website offer choices for the American market, likewise Danish blogger Gittemary has their list which has some crossovers to my blog. Alternatively, consider these the points raised by Hanx when making your next order.
Condom FAQ's
Blog continues after the FAQ's section
What Are Vegan Products?
Vegan products, such as condoms, means that the product has been made without animal products or by-products such as casein, beeswax, or leather.
Are All Condoms Suitable for Vegans?
Unfortunately, not all condoms are vegan-friendly. Casein, which is a milk protein, is added to some latex condoms to make them more comfortable for human use. Fortunately, the market is changing, and many brands are offering vegan condoms. Check sites that approve food and cosmetics as vegan, and look out for badges from The Vegan Action Foundation badge or The Vegan Society badge. This blog post lists a few companies going above and beyond by supporting charities and the environment.
Are Condoms Tested on Animals?
As condoms are a medical device, they are often tested on animals to pass the rigorous testing required for certification. There's a chance the condom you're using has been tested on bunnies and horses.
What is Casein?
Casein is added to some latex condoms to make them more comfortable for human use; however, casein is an animal protein derived from cow's or goat's milk.
What Are Condoms Made From?
Condoms can be made from various materials, such as latex, polyurethane, or polyisoprene, to name a few. Commonly, companies opt for latex, a milky fluid found in many plants. The latex used to make condoms typically comes from the rubber tree. While this sounds great, the manufacturing part is where things may differ.
Are There Chemicals in My Condoms?
While chemicals do not have a direct link with veganism, most vegans and many non-vegans strive to choose products that are vegan, natural, and organic. Many brands contain unknown chemicals and can affect our bodies in more than one way, as Hanx describes.
Can Condoms and Sexual Lubricants Contain PFAS?
Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) can be found in condoms. A study conducted by Mamavation reported in The Guardian found several brands of condoms and lubricants contain alarming levels of toxic PFAS “forever chemicals”. The article explains they could be present in some brands because they help the latex in condoms repel moisture and liquid.
The Mamavation site has a list of worst, okay and best brands. Of which, Glyde comes out top, and features in our list.
What is the Difference Between Vegan and Cruelty Free?
It can be easy to mix 'vegan' and 'cruelty-free' products. While closely linked and often found together, their concepts are different. Vegan products do not contain animal-based ingredients, whereas cruelty-free means products haven't been tested on animals. Therefore, a product could be deemed vegan, yet it has been tested on animals. The Vegan Trademark is an internationally recognised standard for products free of all animal use, ingredients, and testing.
Is Natural Good?
Natural is a term that is commonly used, which may cause confusion. The term means that the ingredients were not made in a lab; this means they are not artificial or synthetic. Natural products are not necessarily free of harmful chemicals; therefore it is always best to check the label. For example, Here We Flo says that their condoms are free from Lidocaine and benzocaine, Nitrosamines, Nonoxynol-9 + Spermicides.
Is Organic Good?
Organic products mean that the product was grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, or genetically modified organisms.

Vegan | ✓
Organic | ✘
Cruelty-free | ✓
Other Certifications |
Other Information | Uses all-natural latex, free from dyes, fragrances, and spermicides.
Price | See table below for prices of packs and per unit.
Size(s) | 53 mm & 56 mm.
Hanx was founded by Farah Kabir and Dr Sarah Welsh in 2017 and is a woman-owned British wellness company. Hanx currently produces condoms, lubricants, contraceptives, a sex toy, and intimate care products. You can purchase their condoms with an organic cotton zip pouch to keep them safe from pesky eyes. Hanx products can be found in some high street stores such as Sainsbury's in packs of ten. If you prefer discretion or want to explore what they have to offer, they sell their products online and ship discreetly to your door.
Below are the prices of their condoms, ranging from packs of 3 to 120.
Quantity | Price Per Pack | Price Per Unit |
3 ¹ | £4.99 | £1.66 |
10 ¹ | £12.99 | £1.30 |
30 ¹ | £32.99 | £1.10 |
50 ¹ | £49.99 | £1 |
120 ² | £110.00 | £0.92 |
Here We Flo

Vegan | ✓
Organic | ✘
Cruelty-free | ✓
Other Certifications | B corporation
Other Information | Uses all-natural latex, donates to an LGBTQ+ youth homelessness charity. Products are free from dyes, fragrances, and spermicides.
Price | See table below for prices of packs and per unit.
Size(s) | 54 mm & 56 mm.
We Flo are an award-winning company, having won the Best Beauty Shortlist Award's 2023 Eco Lifestyle Winner, which they proudly display alongside some of their merchandise. Here We Flo say that their condoms are 'Certified Climate Neutral' by Climate Partner and the rubber is sustainably harvested from rubber trees through the Regenerative Rubber Initiative cooperative of small agroforestry. On their condom product page, they explain that they are founding members of the Regenerative Rubber Initiative, which means they use Fair Agroforestry Latex. Their notice says that the company cooperates directly with smallholders who earn fair wages & practice biodiverse, sustainable farming of rubber trees. Finally, Here We Flo condoms are produced in solar-powered factories. On top of their condoms, the women owned business offer period and pee care products.
Below are the prices of their condoms, ranging from packs of 6 to 24.
Quantity | Price Per Pack | Price Per Unit |
6 | £9.69 | £1.62 |
12 | £13.69 | £1.14 |
24 | £22.69 | £0.95 |

Vegan | ✓
Organic | ✘
Cruelty-free | ✓
Other Certifications | Fairtrade
Other Information | Uses all-natural latex, free from dyes, and spermicides.
Price | See table below for prices of packs and per unit.
Size(s) | 49 mm, 53 mm, 56 mm & 60 mm.
Glyde condoms are made from thistle extract instead of casein, which is both vegan and fair trade. On their website, you can find a comprehensive list of the sites where you can find buy their products. Glyde also has a helpful frequently asked questions (FAQ) section, helping alleviate any concerns you may think of. Finally, Glyde was also given top marks for condoms without PFAS present in tests
For the purpose of pricing, we have taken data from Condoms UK as the company does not sell directly through their website. Glyde offers a wide variety of sizes and is the only brand on our list that produces flavoured condoms using food-quality natural extracts, as stated in their FAQ.
Quantity | Price Per Pack | Price Per Unit |
10 | £11.99 | £1.20 |
20 | £22.79 | £1.14 |
30 | £32.39 | £1.08 |
100 | £49.99 | £0.50 |
Fair Squared

Vegan | ✓
Organic | ✘
Cruelty-free | ✓
Other Certifications | Fairtrade
Other Information | Uses all-natural latex, free from dyes, and spermicides.
Price | See table below for prices of packs and per unit.
Size(s) | 52 mm, 53 mm, 54 mm, 60 mm & 64 mm.
The Fair Squared website offers a range of beauty and zero waste products, but they sell these through third-party websites such as Condoms UK. Unlike Glyde the company only lists one third-party company where they sell their product, meaning you will have to search for stock, as we did on Condoms UK. Fair Squared offer basic information about each product under the condom category. Fair Squared's condom packaging states they are CO2 neutral, though little detail is given on their website.
The table below is using data taken from two different websites, see ¹ and ² below the table. Stock may vary between shops such as British Condoms sell the larger 64 mm size which Condoms UK does not; however Condoms UK has more choice and a personal lubricant.
Quantity | Price Per Pack | Price Per Unit |
3 ¹ | £3.99 | £1.33 |
10 ¹ | £9.99 | £1 |
20 ¹ | £16.99 | £0.85 |
30 ² | £33.99 | £1.13 |
40 ¹ | £24.99 | £0.62 |
¹ Data taken from British Condoms
² Data taken from Condoms UK
Lube FAQ's
Are Lubes Vegan?
Most lubricants are not made using animal products, but some are. Check the ingredients list if available and sites that approve food and cosmetics as vegan. Badges from The Vegan Action Foundation badge or The Vegan Society badge are useful guarantees.
What is Glycerin?
Glycerin (Propylene glycol) is a commonly listed ingredient in sexual lubrications. Glycerin is a sweet-tasting preservative classified as a sugar alcohol, often added to personal lubricants and flavoured condoms. Glycerin promotes retention of moistures and preservatives but can cause irritation.
Another adult product that contributes to how we affect the planet is lube. BedBible reports that the personal lubrication generates $1.85 billion per year, with an $300.8 million coming from the USA. Upon inspecting a sexual lubricant it can be easy to find ingredients that we might not know, such as propylene glycol. Despite the controversy of how bad it might be, 29% of people have sought lubricants without parabens, and 25% reported seeking lubricants without glycerin.
Lovehoney, who is not in our list because their lubes contain glycerin, said they sold enough lube in 2022 to fill 796 hot tubs. Many intimate products contain ingredients such as parabens, carbomers and other synthetics, which can make their way into sewage systems and disrupt wildlife. Exsens has a blog post which explains many personal lubricant ingredients.
Adult products contribute to the depth of our footprint on the planet and contain chemicals that are potentially harmful to it and us. For example, a vast percentage of the lubes on the market are full of concerning ingredients such as parabens, carbomers and other synthetics, which can make their way into sewage systems and disrupt wildlife. Yes Yes Yes, wrote that these chemically derived ingredients can be harmful to the planet, but they are also a concern for the human body and can smother skin, cause irritation and even cause tissue damage.
I found three brands which contain less or no chemicals compared to the average brands. The brands selected are vegan, and one is certified organic; however, due to the nature of the product, none are plastic-free. One brand on the list uses 100% plant-based compostable plastic, except for their pump on the larger bottles. Please ensure the lube you are using is suitable for use with condoms or wherever you intend to use it. Hanx has a great post on condoms and lubricants. If you are outside the UK, consider their bullet points when making your next order.
Natural Love Company

Vegan | ✓
Organic | ✓
Cruelty-free | ✓
Other Certifications | 1% for the planet
Other Information | Plastic free (except pump bottle lids on 300ml bottles)
Price | £14.95 or £22.95
Size(s) | 100ml — 300ml
The Natural Love Company produces and sells sex toys, lube, toy cleaner and condoms from Hanx. Their lube comes in two types, aloe vera or wild strawberry, with the ingredients listed online. Their bottles are made with wheat plastics which, sounding rather funky, also means they're easily compostable. They give more advice on the disposal of their bottles at the bottom of their FAQ section.
Product Size | Price Per Bottle | Price Per 100ml |
100ml | £14.95 | £14.95 |
300ml | £22.95 | £7.65 |
Yes Yes Yes

Vegan | ✓
Organic | ✓
Cruelty-free | ✓
Other Certifications | 1% for the planet
Other Information | Made in Britain
Price | £7.99, £11.99 & £15.99
Size(s) | 50ml, 100ml and 150ml
Yes Yes Yes is a female-owned enterprise that produces vaginal moisturisers, lubricants, and menopause products. The pricing has been taken from their water-based lubricant. According to their website's health professionals tab, VM (vaginal moisturiser) and WB (water-based) are registered medical devices and are available on the NHS drug tariff. Additionally, the company also says that its medical support team provides free-of-charge samples for clinics, allowing patients to try the products before receiving a prescription or purchasing directly.
Product Size | Price Per Bottle | Price Per 100ml |
50ml | £8.99 | £15.98 |
100ml | £12.99 | £11.99 |
150ml | £16.99 | £10.66 |

Vegan | ✓
Organic |
Cruelty-free | ✓
Other Certifications |
Other Information | Free from dyes, fragrances, and spermicides.
Price | £14.99
Size | 50ml
Hanx produces condoms, as we explained earlier, and we have cited their helpful blog a few times throughout this article. Hanx lube comes in the smallest package at just 50ml making it easy to stow away; however, it makes it the most expensive per 100ml. The brand lists all their ingredients online in their FAQ page, and on the product page it says they are making their packaging even more earth-friendly. Hanx has formulated the lube to be PH 4.5 to better match the PH of where it might be mostly used.
Product Size | Price Per Bottle | Price Per 100ml |
50ml | £14.99 | £29.98 |