46 Positive Environmental Success Stories - May 2024

46 Positive Environmental Success Stories - May 2024
Photo by Daniel Mirlea / Unsplash

The media has an important role to play in combatting climate doom. Therefore, this monthly news roundup of positive environmental and climate change news, is designed to spark joy and show that progress is being made. We select two positive news headlines a day from renewable energy and biodiversity to eco-innovation and more. We organise all the articles by the date of publication and provide some environmental and wildlife dates for your diary.

Under each day is a few positive news articles posted on the same day. Sadly we have excluded weekends as media outlets report less on these days.

Environmental and Animal Awareness Days In The Next Month

World Environment Day (5th June) is the largest global platform for environmental public outreach celebrated annually on 5 June since 1973.

World Oceans Day (7th June) is to inform the people of the impact of human actions on our oceans, develop a worldwide movement of citizens for the ocean, and mobilise and unite the world’s population on a project for the sustainable management of the world's oceans.

World Refill Day (16th June) is a global campaign to prevent plastic pollution and help people live with less waste. Refill Day's website offers tips and an app to get started.

World Sea Turtle Day (16th June) is a day used to honour and highlight the importance of sea turtles.

Plastic Free Beauty Day (17th June) highlights the 142 billion units of packaging every year the beauty industry creates. They are calling all brands, consumers and retailers to join them and reconsider their use of plastic.

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Positive News Roundup - Wednesday, 1st May

solar panels on green grass field under blue sky during daytime
Photo by Michael Förtsch / Unsplash

The fifth-largest solar project in America, by the time it's fully built, is moving closer to completion (2026). The first phase of the project should begin sending electricity to the grid this fall (Canary Media)

Eurostar has promised its trains will be powered by 100% renewable energy by 2030. (Euro News)

Positive News Roundup - Thursday, 2nd May

green leafed seedlings on black plastic pots
Photo by Markus Spiske / Unsplash

B&Q have revealed they have installed collection points to recycle unwanted plastic plant pots. Dropped off pots will be collected and processed into new pots. (Edie)

Amsterdam is utilising blue-green roofs, which absorb rainwater and allow it to be used by building residents to water plants and flush toilets. (The Guardian)

Positive News Roundup - Friday, 3rd May

a air conditioner sitting on the side of a building
Photo by alpha innotec / Unsplash

British Gas has developed an online calculator helping homeowners compare the CO2 a heat pump offers. Their calculator tool can be found here. (PV Magazine)

One-in-five new cars sold this year will be battery-powered with China leading the transition. (Canary Media)

Positive News Roundup - Monday, 6th May

photography of whale
Photo by Thomas Kelley / Unsplash

A ban on whaling has allowed the Antarctic blue whales numbers to start recovering. The information came from a nearly two-decade study of whale songs recorded in the Southern Ocean. (Yale Environment)

Scientists have discovered what could be the first known smooth hammerhead shark nursery in the Galápagos. (Euro News)

Positive News Roundup - Tuesday, 7th May

blue and gray solar panels
Photo by 🇻🇪 Jose G. Ortega Castro 🇲🇽 / Unsplash

A solar module recycling process has been developed transforming lead into less toxic lead monoxide. It has been developed by researchers from India. (PV Magazine)

Switzerland has recorded an increase of 81% from the same period a year earlier in the number of PV installations. About 603 MW were registered for funding in the first three months of the year. (PV Magazine)

Positive News Roundup - Wednesday, 8th May

landscape photography of grass field with windmills under orange sunset
Photo by Karsten Würth / Unsplash

Renewable energy accounted for more than 30% of the world's last year. This is the first time the milestone has been reached, thanks to a a rapid rise in wind and solar power. (The Guardian)

Florida is set to make the intentional releasing of balloons illegal to cub microplastics and marine pollution. Lawmakers voted overwhelmingly to make it illegal. (The New York Times)

Positive News Roundup - Thursday, 9th May

black and white usb cable plugged in black device
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP / Unsplash

A 71% increase has been witnessed in the number of second hand pure electric cars sold, year-on-year. (Edie)

American households electricity will be supported by more renewables. The current forecast is a 3% rise in 2024, with 60% of this growth served by utility-scale solar. Among other renewable sources, wind contributes 19% of 2024 electricity generation growth, and hydropower contributes 13%. (PV Magazine)

Positive News Roundup - Friday, 10th May

photo of truss towers
Photo by Matthew Henry / Unsplash

Wind and solar generated more than a third of the EU’s electricity in April. Coal contributed just 8.6% of the energy mix compared to 30% in 2023. Gas provided 12.1% of the EU’s electricity - a 22% decline year-on-year. (Euro News)

Conservation efforts, vaccine and reintroduction efforts are having a positive impact on the number of Brown howler monkeys (Alouatta guariba). Brazilian government agencies and other conservation organisations, launched a nationwide population management plan, which supported relocating animals to areas where their population has vanished or declined. (Mongabay)

Positive News Roundup - Monday, 13th May

city buildings under white clouds during daytime
Photo by Marcin Jozwiak / Unsplash

The Attorney General for Michigan, Dana Nessel, announced that she plans to sue fossil fuel companies for knowingly contributing to climate change, harming the state’s economy and ways of life. (Grist)

Tim Farron, is seeking to make water company bosses criminally liable for sewage spills. Tim represents the Liberal Democrats party and is their environment spokesman. (iNews )

Positive News Roundup - Tuesday, 14th May

landscape photography of blue solar panels
Photo by Antonio Garcia / Unsplash

Scientists from India have designed a lead-free perovskite solar cell which boasts an efficiency rate of 23.61%. (PV Magazine)

A site designated to host a coal power plant will now home a solar facility supplying 160 MW of PV in Bangladesh. The plans have been agreed by The Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) and China Huadian Corp. (PV Magazine)

Positive News Roundup - Wednesday, 15th May

brown yak on brown grass field during day
Photo by Bryce olsen / Unsplash

A herd of 170 bison could help store CO2 emissions equivalent to removing almost 2m cars from the road for a year. The bison were reintroduced by Rewilding Europe and WWF Romania in 2014 and reside in Romania’s Țarcu mountains. (TheGuardian)

A proof of concept shows how 1,000°C can be reached using solar power. Researchers from Switzerland used synthetic quartz to trap solar energy at temperatures over 1,000°C (1,832°F). This will help demonstrate potential role in providing clean energy for carbon-intensive industries which are dominated by fossil fuels. (Techxplore)

Positive News Roundup - Thursday, 16th May

photo of wind turbines on green grass
Photo by Arteum.ro / Unsplash

The UK's largest consumer-owned wind farm is powered up in Scotland. The wind farm in South Ayrshire is part owned by more than 5,600 people and small firms, with the potential to power around 20,000 households and businesses. (Sky News)

Chanda, an 18 year old from Zambia is educating her classmates, many of whom are part of the deaf community, on the impact of climate change. Chanda explained that her role is made difficult due to her prosthetic legs no longer fitting, sign language isn’t recognised official language in Zambia, and many climate-related terms are not included. (AP News)

Positive News Roundup - Friday, 17th May

aerial view of green trees beside blue sea during daytime
Photo by Craig Bradford / Unsplash

Plans to develop a 2GW pumped hydro storage project will provide enough clean energy to power one million homes each year. The plant located near Loch Ness in Scotland will also create at least 600 onsite jobs over a six-year construction period costing £3bn. (Edie)

President Joe Biden's new American Climate Corps is designed to address climate change while providing green jobs and potentially alleviating climate anxiety among young people. (Daily Climate)

Positive News Roundup - Monday, 20th May

green and white number 2
Photo by Michael Marais / Unsplash

Uber drivers in London will receive a £5,000 grant to help them switch to an EV. The money can be used to purchase new or used vehicle, benefiting drivers who do not own an electric vehicles (EV). (Euro News)

A new satellite platform will monitor deforestation worldwide. The satellite will provide near-real-time detection of disturbances in all types of vegetation around the world. (Mongabay)

Positive News Roundup - Tuesday, 21st May

a building with a green roof on the side of it
Photo by WrS.tm.pl ❤️🇺🇦 🏳️‍🌈 / Unsplash

Utrecht, Netherlands, has become a global leader in sustainable urban design, by putting green roofs on its bus stops. Since launching in 2019, 316 bus shelters have been converted setting a precedent for other cities to follow. (Positive Eco News)

In an attempt to boost the sale of EV's could swappable batteries be the pivoting point? ManMohan S Sodhi, wrote that India has created a huge market for (autorickshaws) with swappable batteries, due to government subsidies. (The Conversation)

Positive News Roundup - Wednesday, 22nd May

space gray iPhone X
Photo by William Hook / Unsplash

Virgin Media O2 has channeled £500,000 into community-led projects helping to prevent electronic waste and deliver positive social outcomes. The funding is being provided as part of the business’s ‘Time After Time’ project, which is in its second year helping to give devices like smartphones and laptops a second life, while providing digital access to those in need. (Edie)

The Borrowdale rainforest in the Lake District has declared as a a national nature reserve. To celebrate coronation of King Charles, five nature reserves will be created each year for next five years. (The Guardian)

Positive News Roundup - Thursday, 23rd May

brown wooden blocks on gray concrete floor
Photo by Tamas Pap / Unsplash

Scientists from Switzerland have been studying making chocolate more sustainable and have found a way to make chocolate healthier and more sustainable. Researchers from ETH Zurich federal technology institute have discovered using the cocoa pod husk can replace granulated sugar. (Euro News)

3.5 million acres of desert has been given a new federal designation to help protect vulnerable wildlife such as the Mojave desert tortoise. This land will hopefully help the desert tortoise population which is on California's endangered list. (LA Times)

Positive News Roundup - Friday, 24th May

snow covered mountain under cloudy sky during daytime
Photo by Sophia Simoes / Unsplash

Despite being unsuccessful a campaign to put Snæfellsjökull on the ballot has raised an aware of environmental stewardship. Despite the glacier being roughly 700,000 years old, campaigners warn it could vanish altogether within the next half a century. (Positive News)

A solar carport from a French startup offers renewable energy and shade for you car. The concrete structure used is self-weighting and requires no foundations, reducing the construction time. The company claims a 500 kW installation can be completed in fifteen days. (PV Magazine)

Positive News Roundup - Monday, 27th May

shallow focus photography of gray and black lemur
Photo by Uriel Soberanes / Unsplash

A Scottish safari park has announced the birth of two female lemur pups native to Madagascar. Sadly less than 1,000 black-and-white ruffed lemurs remain in the wild, making them endangered. However conservation efforts and educating communities in Madagascar could play a role in this animals future. (The Guardian)

Chester Zoo (UK) has opted to switch oil for heat pump to keep the rhinos warm, despite some early concerns made by one of the keepers, she explained there was "no problem with putting them in any of the other rhino houses."

Chester Zoo, also utilises heat pumps in its sun bear enclosure, butterfly house and event venues. The zoo plans to further expand their air-source heat pumps in buildings housing giraffes, ostriches, reptiles and invertebrates. (Bloomberg)

Positive News Roundup - Tuesday, 28th May

green metal garden shovel filled with brown soil
Photo by Neslihan Gunaydin / Unsplash

B&Q announced their commitment to sell only peat-free plants by 2026. This commitment builds on their previous successes of ceased selling peat entirely in 2008, launching a range of peat-free bedding plants in 2014 and in 2023, their entire bagged compost range is 100% peat-free. (Edie)

Household grocery greenhouse gas emissions could be cut by more than a quarter (26%) by purchasing more environmentally friendly alternative food and drink products. The research conducted by The George Institute for Global Health and Imperial College London found in one example swapping a frozen meat lasagna for the vegetarian option—could push the reduction to as much as 71%. (Phys)

Positive News Roundup - Wednesday, 29th May

black and white animal on brown dried leaves
Photo by Hans Veth / Unsplash

Badger Trust and Wild Justice are asking Defra (The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) to delay the badger cull, until after 4th July. This will allow the next successive government to make the decisions and listen to charities campaigning against their cull, presenting scientific information. I wrote about the badger cull here if you want a long read. (Badger Trust)

Artist supply manufacturer, Winsor & Newton has been awarded the B Corp status. The company has committed and is reducing their hazardous waste, no longer transporting goods by air, increased the use of recycled materials in its packaging, and its UK and French manufacturing sites are powered by green energy. (Positive News)

Positive News Roundup - Thursday, 30th May

beige castle near trees during daytime
Photo by Dominik Rešek / Unsplash

Out-of-home adverts for high-carbon products including fossil fuels are set to be banned by The City of Edinburgh Council. Members also agreed for a ban on adverts promoting airlines, airports, cruise holidays, cars and vans that produce tailpipe emissions, zero-emission SUVs and promoting the price of petrol and/or diesel. (Edie)

East Harlem, a New York City neighbourhood, is installing green roofs on bus shelters along 125th Street. We also reported on the Netherlands (21st May) who have been converting bus shelters into green habitats. (Positive Eco News)

Positive News Roundup - Friday, 31st May

aerial view of green grass field during daytime
Photo by Derek Sutton / Unsplash

The top ten countries generating the most amount of solar power has been revealed. Currently China continues to dominate with The United States in second place, followed by India and Japan. (Canary Media)

The Conservative party (UK) has pledged that Persistent fly-tippers will lose their driving licence and even face prison time. However the Conservative party have weakened many of their environmental pledges since taking power. (iNews)