9 Minimalist YouTube Channels You Need To Follow!
I remember picking up about minimalism through YouTube, and how freeing these content creators' houses looked. While each creator their interpretation of minimalism, there was a common theme of “live with what you need”. Likewise, minimalism often ties in with sustainability and buying items for life. I found the spaces people showed to be peaceful and stress-free, a perfect place in my eyes.
It was during this time I recalled to when I lived at university, where I took survived and thrived with fewer possessions, showing what I truly required. Combined, this has helped me to become more intentional about my belongings and prioritise what brings me joy and value.
While there are many content creators sharing their minimalism journeys, I wanted to dedicate this blog post to the creators I follow, of which they fit into the small to medium creator category. Hopefully, these people will help inspire you too!
With over 200 videos and 300,000 subscribers, A to Zen Life has explored minimalism thoroughly. With topics on decluttering, organising and lifestyle, such as a recent video on toxic chemicals in our houses.
With a new video, every Sunday, A to Zen Life is one channel to get your weekly minimalism content from.
Bea Minimalista
Bea Minimalista has explored some topics of minimalism, with their most popular videos looking at frugal living and one bag carry.
Despite only 31 videos on the channel, I still feel a range of minimalism content has been created, and some I have not seen elsewhere, such as the Bug Out Bag.
Drew Alexander
Drew is one of the newer minimalist creators I follow, with under 2,000 followers at the time of writing. Currently, his videos are under 10 minutes, making them easy to follow along when time is short.
Drew's focus is on simple living, financial freedom, and minimalism, with videos on minimal packing for a holiday, digital minimalism and more.
Fabian has made close to 100 videos at the time of writing, yet has under 2,000 followers as well. Based in Switzerland, Fabian speaks about minimalism and technology with videos around the 10-minute mark.
Recently, Fabian has toured his flat, advised people how to save money and what he has learnt about minimalism after 5 years.
Kristine Yu
Kristine Yu focuses on organising and home cleaning, with over 500,000 followers. Though Kristine does not upload regularly, they have shown how to organise your home, declutter your home and maintain a minimal desk.
Living Minimal
Living Minimal explains they share tips on living with less, making intentional choices, and saving money.
Recently, the channel has featured videos looking at their apartment, the downsides of living minimally and how to save money.
Minimal Ease
With a new video, every Thursday, Minimal Ease has amassed over 30,000 followers. Minimal Ease focuses primarily on advice with guidance on helping you manage your home with recent videos showing how to master home decor, and how to organise removing clutter from your home.
Nicholas Garofola
Nicholas Garofola with over 130,000 subscribers is a well established minimalist content creator. His videos around the 10-minute mark focus on 'money, tech, minimalism, and things of that nature.'
Recently, Nicholas has explored how to start being a minimalist, as well as a focus on technology with videos on his iPad Mini.
Seve says they have a passion for minimalism, a balanced lifestyle, and deep human connections. Through nearly 300 videos, Seve has explored a wide range of minimalism, focusing on tips such as why to become a minimalist, worthwhile investments and things Seve is not buying.
While the larger creators have certainly made a significant impact in the world of minimalism, I believe there are many smaller creators out there who are doing a remarkable job. These lesser-known creators may offer you additional perspectives helping to inspire and motivate people.